
TheGSMA is a global organisation unifying
the mobile ecosystemto discover,developand deliver innovation foundationaltopositive business environments andsocietal change.Our vision is to unlockthefull power of connectivity so thatpeople,industry and societythrive.Representing mobile operatorsandorganisations from across the mobileecosystemand adjacent industries,theGSMA delivers for its members acrossthree broad pillars:Industry Servicesand Solutions,Connectivityfor Goodand Outreach.This activity includesunderpinning thetechnology andinteroperability that make mobile
work,advancing policy,tackling today’sbiggest societal challenges and providingtheworld’s largestplatform to convenethe mobileecosystemat the MWC and
M360 series of events.
We invite you to find out more
FollowtheGSMA on X:@GSMAGSMA Intelligence is thedefinitivesourceof global mobile operator data,analysis andforecasts and the publisher of authoritativeindustry reports and research.Our datacovers every operator group,network andMVNOinevery countryworldwide —fromAfghanistan to Zimbabwe.Itis the mostaccurateand complete set ofindustry
metrics available,comprisingtens ofmillionsof individual data points,updated daily.
GSMA Intelligence is relied on by leadingoperators,vendors,regulators,financial
institutions and third-party industry playersto support strategic decision-making andlong-term investment planning.Thedata isused as an industryreference point and isfrequentlycited by themedia and by theindustryitself.
Our team of analysts and experts produceregular thought-leading research reportsacross a rangeof industry topics.



