Publishedin2024by the United NationsEducational,Sdentfic and CuluralOrganlzation.
7.Pace de Fontenoy.75352Paris07 SP.France
Thls reportispublishedbyUNESC0 on behalf ofUN-Water.The list of UN-WaterMembersandPartnerscan befound onthefllowing websiter Wunwaterong.
ISBN 978-92-3-1006579
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Thedesigmations employed and thepresentation ofmaterial throughout ths publicationdonot imply the expressionof any opihionwhatsoeveronthepart ofUNESCO conceming the legal status ofanycountry,teritory.cityor areaorof itsauthoritles,or conceming the delimitation oftsfrontiers orboundaries.Simlary.boundariesand namesshowmandthe designation used onthe maps do not imply offclalendorsement or aceptance bythe UnitedNations.A dispute exlsts betweenthe Govemments ofArgentina and theUnited kingdom of Great Britaln andNorthemlreland concerning sovereigntyover the Falkland lslands (Malwiasj
Thedeas and opinlons expressed inthis publication arethose of the authors;theyare not necessarly those ofUNESCO anddo not commit the Onganization.The contents werecontibuted by theUN-Water MembersandPartners.and others listed onthetitlepages of the chapterstherehn UNESC0 and theUNESCO Word Water AsessmentProgramme(WWAP)are not responsiblefor emrorsin thecontent prowidedor for discrepanclesindata and contenbetween contributed chaptera WWAP prowided the opportunity for indhdualsto belisted as authors and contributorsor to beacknowledgedinthispublication.WWAPls notresponsblefor anyomlsslonsinthtsregard.
Chapter7byRaya Marima Stephan,Aurelen Dumont,Remy Kinma and SonjaKoeppel02024United Nations
Section8.2by Sonja Koeppel,Remy Kinma,Lucia De Strasser and Eise ZemrathO2024United Nations
Chapter i2OUNESCO/OECD,2024.The opihions espressed and arguments employedherein donot necessarilyreflect the official wiews ofthe Member countries of the OECD.
Suggested citationc
United Nations,TheUnitedNations WorldWater Devedopment Repont 2024:Water for ProsperityandPeace
Coverartworkby DawideBomazz
Graphic design andlayout byMarco TonshiPinted byUNESCOCLDPrinted inParis
This publication ls printed on 100%recyded,chlorime-free paper.