
Forretailers,the integration of digitaland physical shoppingmears theyreconnecting with shoppersin moreways than ever before.The good
nems is thatthis ghes retailers orechances to prove they recognize,understand,and walue shoppers.
The bad nen2 Retailers have ashortwindow to impress them before thewakaNy
74%of shoppers sayittakes no more than
three bad experiences toabandon a brand
To keepup,retailers areracing tofind new ways to compete.They seeopportunities in customer service,ecommerce,and personalization.The challenge?Achieving theirgoalrequires a heanierreliance on data,insights,and technology-and theretailers that dont keepup risgetting leftbehind5ALESFORCE
More competitors.Higher costs.Supplchain snags.For retailers these ar
just some of the challenges pressurinmargins.But in thisuncertain econoycan retailers dearthese hurdles ansatisfy shoppers,too?
Retailersbelieve the answer is yeif theycan humanize increasingydigital experiences.They see
opportunities to build loyalty and groshare of wallet through customer service,ecommerce,andmarketing.But,to
accomplish their goals,they must keepup with shoppers”changing behaviorand risingexpectations.
Here,weexplore the trends,challenges,and opportunities that are shapingtheretalindustry



