Welcome to the 2024 State of Marketing toEngineers Report.This marks the seventh
consecutive year GlobalSpec and TREW Marketinghave partnered to better understand the buyingbehaviors and communication preferences ofengineers and technical buyers.
Our survey contains a mix of popular topics we’veasked about consistently to monitor trends,alongwith fresh questions that take a deeper dive intobuying behaviors.This year’s research touches onattitudes toward artificial intelligence (Al),contentpreferences (and how they vary)between hardwareand software purchases,and popular social mediachannels for work needs versus personal use.ABOUT THESURVEY RESPONDENTS
Over 900 qualified engineers and technicalprofessionals across the globe responded toour most recent survey.
Participants were not required to answer eachand every question,so sample sizes varyslightly question-to-question and are notedthroughout for clarity.In some cases,we makecomparisons to data from previous year(s)whenthe question was asked.