The Trade Desk Intelligence conducted anadvertiser study with Material+and surveyed201 marketers in the United States.The
respondents’teams were responsible for mediaplanning,strategy,and buying;national/brandmarketing;e-commerce marketing;SEO;and/or shopper marketing.All respondents held therank of manager or above and played eithera significant or sole role in deciding whereadvertising dollars were spent.Fieldwork wasconducted between April ll to May 10,2023.
The following research is focused on thegrowing opportunity and use of retail data,retail media,and retail media networks (RMNs)by advertisers in the U.S.For clarity in thisreport and to maintain consistency with thedefinitions that survey respondents weregiven,we are defining these as follows:Retail data
Data that retailers collect about their businessand consumers,such as sales and loyalty carddata.Retailers can share these insights withadvertisers to help them reach their target
audiences and measure sales at those retailers.Note:retail data can be offered via a third-partyplatform or via RMN depending on the retailer.
Retail media
The inventory owned and operated by
retailers on their e-commerce sites,such asdisplay ads and sponsored search results.
Retail media network (RMN)
An advertising platform provided by retailersthat gives advertisers access to the retailer’sfirst-party data (retail data),allowing
them to reach more targeted audiencesand measure sales at the retailer,and totheir on-site inventory (retail media).
Disclaimer:Unless specified otherwise,all results reflectthe proprietary research conducted by the Trade DeskIntelligence and Materialt.The Trade Desk providesthis information for general knowledge and does not