The Eeonamio and Soclel Commtizlen far Astk and the Pacitr(ESCAP)the most inchutve htengovermment zlplertformn the Audla-Parifio region.The Commisslon promat es coaperaion among its 53 memt States and 9 asodate membesn pursut of soluscrs to suntzinstle develapment chellenges.ESCAe lis one of the fre mglonzl comnitsstons aftheUnted Natibone.The ESCAP secnetarlat suppats inchrsse,reellert and susainstle devebpment in the mylon bygeneaing acdionr arlerted knostdge,and by pnonding tectnical aailstance and capaatityr-bulding santes in suppartaf natbnzl desclapment ntjectives mglonzl ayeemerts and the inplemert atian ai he 2030 Aganda far SustzainstleDevelapment.
The Untad Nziors Canferenoe an Trade and Deselapment fUNC TND)lis the focsl pant,witin the Uhited Nzriors system.for the iriagated heatment af trade and develepment and ihterelated tsues in the arean af fhanca,tactnalogx.rmestment,sentces and suntzinstledevelapment.Glbhaleaton,heluding a phenomenzl erparelon of trade,has hetpedt mllons aut af paverty Butnotneaty enoaugh peaple hare henefted.And termendous challenges remain.UNCiADsupparts developing counttes to access the benefits of a giohalzad econamy mone tairty and efecively.It prosidesanshsh,ocll ahes corsenan-bulting,and ofers tathnital asbtanoe.This hetps than to une trada,ihvestmerit,fhanca.and techndlogr as vetictes for incluske and sus tainstle deselepment.
UNDO ls a spacldleed agencey at the United Natfione with a uricue mandate to prumate and accctrate hdusttuldevelapment.Its mand zhe lis rellected ih Sust anable Devtbpmernt Goal (SDG)Buld meillent ih tashuchre,promotenclustve and sunzinshle industhslzsfiun and foster ihnovetion’.Howere,UNDOt acivties corilbute to al he SDsand drawr an the synerglstio eftects ofindushizlcaion to maaimize the impacts af development wark.UMDO’s wslonls that of a wartd without powerty and hunger A world where hdustry dnves low-emission ecanomles.A warld withimpnowed luing sandards whith preserves the endionment and glbbal prhlc goods which re the common irheriltenceoi he whale of humarihg.UNDO powldes suppart to t 172 member States through four mandahed tinctibns techricdcouperaion,mseach and pdlcy adlsary sars ices normatire sandrde-elated acthies,and faskerhg Patnershistorlknowledge and tectnalagy tanter UNIDOs work e cancentrated an ftree foaus areas anding hunger by hepingbusinesses fom tenn tofonk,clinate actlen pariteusrty uting nmnewatle energy and energy eficleney to nedtu indusndgeerhouse gas amkslons,and supporing antahshle sipply chsirs so that devebping coumtry Pnoducers recceea talr desl and sc aroe resouroes ae peserved.
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