Gnds have been the backbone of electncity systems for more than a certury,underpinning economic activity by bringing power to homes,industry and services.As dean energy transitions advance,the role of edlectricity wil be mare prominent,making gnids even more important for socdety and economies.Electnfication andrenewables deployment are both picking up pace,but wthout adequate grnids toconnect the new electricity supply with the demand,there is a nsk that ceanenergy transitions wll stall.
This report offers a global stocktake of the world’s electricity grids as they standtoday,taking a detailed look at gnd infrastructure,comnection queues,the cost ofoutages,grid congestion,generation curtailment,and timelines for gniddevelopmernt.We find that there are already signs today that grids are becominga battleneck to clean energy transtions and analyse the risks we face if gnddevelopment and reform do nat advance fast enough.
We find that delayed action means prokonging rellance on fossl fueks,resulting inan increase in emissions and costs to soclety.An unprecedented lewel of attentionfram palicey makers and business leaders is needed to ensure grids support dleanenergy transitions and maintain dlectricity securnity.The report concludes with keyrecommendations for policy makers,highlighting the necessary actions in areasincluding investment,regulation and planring.This study was prepared by the Renewable Irtegraton and Secure Electhiaity(RISE)Unit in the Diredorate of Energy Markets and Securty(EMS)in co-operation with other directorates and offices of the Intemational Energy Agency(IEA).The study was designed and directed by Pablo Hevia-Koch,Acting head ofRISE.Main authors are Pablo Hewia-Koch,Brent Wanner,Head af PowerSecor Unit,and Rena Kuwahata,Energy Analyst Power SystemTransformation.
The electnicity gnid modelling team for this repart was led by Brent Wanner andadditional analysis was led by Rena Kuwahata.Zoe Hungerford was also part ofthe core leam and contibuted across the report.Key cortributions were from ErenCam(outages),Javier Jorquera Copler (congestion maragement and outages),Trevor Cniswell (connection queues),Michael Drti (transmission and permiting),Stavroula Evangelopoulou(supply chain),Enc Fabazzi (modeling),EnnqueGuterrez(regulation),Bruno kini(employmert),Laura Mari Martiner(curtailment),Alessio Pastore (reguation and distibution),and Alana RawinsBilbao (investment).
Other cont ibutions from across the agency were from:
Heymi Bahar (conneclian queues and curtailment),Minna Genser(cybersecurity),Julia Guyon (electricity demand and electnic vehicles),Katsuki Ishimaki(cyber security),John Mdloney (outages),Yu Nagatomi (planring and investmentpolicies),Camile Paillard (public acceptance and permiting),Uwe Remme(supply chains)and Daniel Wetzel (employment).
Matthieu Coget,Jinpyung Kim,Hyejeong Lee,Jae Sun Lee,Jeremy Tessler,Lukas Tnppe,and Zhiyu Yang prowided essenfal support
Justin French-Brooks carled editorial responsibiltly.
Oher key contrbutors from across the IEAwere:Rita Madeira,Jinsun Lim,AsthaGupta,Brendan Reidenbach,and Vida Rozite.
Valuable comments and feedback were prowided by other senior managementand numerous other calleagues within the IEA In particular,Keisuke Sadamori,Laura Cozzi and Tim Gould.