This year’s data reveals that snacks are replacing mealsfor a majority of people around the world.64% of globalconsumers say they prefer to eat many small mealsthroughout the day, as opposed to a few large ones, up5% from 2019 – a statistically significant jump.A similarpercentage indicate that they replace at least1mealeachday witha snack(62%),including stronger majorities ofGenZs(75%)and millennials (69%).
Moreover, consumers are looking to snacks to meet avariety of needs to a greater degree than they were evenjust 2 years ago. Convenience and freshness are toprisingimpactors of snackchoices, but consumers are also morelikely to seek both indulgent snacks and healthy snacks,both comforting bites and energizing ones. As consumersturn to snacks to meet an increasing array ofneeds, wealso see that category consumption is up significantlyacross those who regularly eat sweet and savory biscuits,chocolate, crisps/chips, and snack bars.