
The energy transition and the global imperative towardssustainability have driven organizations to explore newenergy models and solutions. Low-carbon hydrogenis gaining recognition as one of the possible routes toaccelerating decarbonization of high-emission sectorssuch as industry and heavy mobility. Many countriesincluding US, China, Japan as well as many EuropeanUnion countries amongst others have announced majorinvestments to accelerate its development.

However, today prominent production pathways forhydrogen continue to rely on the use of fossil fuels. Themove to “low-carbon hvdrogen” could avoid the annualemission of 830 million tons of cO, currently emitted byconventionally produced hydrogen, avital contributionto securing a clean-energy Future. Francesco La Camera,Director-General of the International Renewable EnergyAgency (IRENA), comments:”Cost-competitive low-carbonhydrogen can help us build a resilient energy system thatthrives on modern technologies and embraces innovativesolutions fit for the 21st century.”?This fuel source iscreating new commercial opportunities throughout thevalue chain -including alternative revenue streams, aswell as new business models -but it must present an



