Now in its 12th year, Deloitte’s Gen Z and
Milennial Survey gathered feedback from more
than 22.000 Gen Z and milennial respondentsin 44 countries to explore their attitudes aboutwork and the world around them. Fieldworkfor the 2023 edition was conducted betweenNovember and December 2022, with qualitativeinterviews conducted in March 2023.
As the COVID-19 pandemic recedes, welooked back at our last pre-pandemic
survey to examine how the last threeyearshave impacted Gen Zs and milennials, andspecifically how their experiences in the
workplace have evolved since then, Notably.we found that Gen Zs and millennials are nowmore likely to be satisfied with their work/lifebalance. They feel they have more flexibility inwhere they work. They believe their employershave made progress in driving greater diversity.equity and inclusion (DEI).And they are slightlymore likely to believe that businesses are takingaction to address dimate change.
Broader societal change during this time likelycontributed to this progress. The pandemicprompted many to re-evaluate the role workplays in their lives and to seek more balance.This contributed to the Great Resignation,which temporarily shifted more power