Industial sectors aocount for nearly 40% dfglohal energy consumpiorf andmare than30% of gbbal greerhouse gasemissions.’ Thetranstomaton of these sectors is photal to
reaching net-zero emissions by 2050.This repatby the World Economic Forum,in colaborationwith Accenture and supported by expertinputfram over 40 organizations, establishes anew framework to moritor and support theprogress df heavyindusties towards net zero.
The challenges associated wth industrial
decarbonization are typically more complex thenthase of other carbon-intensve sectors(eg.power, transportation, buildings etc.). But theyare abo ehtvely less well undersbod Gapsin data and discrepancies in key terminologies,defiritions, and industry and emission boundarescontrbute to a ack df visbiity on progress. Thistracking initiative ams to provde companies,polcy-makers and consumers wth the
necessary transparency to ensure that actinand investments are targeted and balhnced.
The framework tolbows a holistic approach andisdesigned to concumently track industries'”net-zero perlormance” and ‘met-z9 readiness”.It identifes a set of standard metics to assess