Beauty Apps See OverallDownloads Climb Year-over-Year
Quarterly top beauty app instalk, U.S, Q12022v.5. Q12023
With the recent shiftin consumer purchasing from traditional brickand-mortar stores to mobile shopping, topbeauty apps have gainedsignificant popularityin the pastyeary seeing a combined total of19Mdownlads,up113 percentin Q12023 year-overyear.
The majority of these gains came from Sephora which saw installs growfrom490Kin Q12022 to 1.2Min Q12023, a roughly 143 percent increaseYoY The app’s monthly installs hit a recond 539K in Apnil 2023, resultinginthe appsupplanting UITA as the top Beauty App.
Hip shop,a relatively new beauty app,is rapidly gaining popularityin theUS.It has quadhupled its downlads Yoy, fom 109K in Q12022 to 476kin
Q12023,and hasclimbed to the Na.3position among beautyapps. Withanimpressive 3en of its users underthe age of 25, Flin.shophassuccessfully attracted a youngerdemographic in comparison to itscompetitors, UITA and Sephora, which have less than 25percent of theirapps’users in this age bracket.