
Aviation is a force for good. It connects families, businesses and communities and has revolutionised our world. The abilityto travel safely, quickly and efficiently over long distances has opened upnew economic, cultural and social opportunitiesand is a critical enabler of international Travel & Tourism.

Aviation delivers many benefits, but it also contributes to climate change. WTTC’s most recent data shows that in2019 (pre-pandemiq), Travel & Tourism was accountable for 8.1% of global greenhouse gas emissions (GHG’s), withinternational aviation contributing 13.8% off all Travel & Tourism emissions. The aviation industry is therefore workinghard to reduce its carbon footprint and airlines have already invested billions of dollars in more fuel efficient aircraft,adopted fuel reducing operations and called on governments, including the EU, for Single Skies whereby airlines areallowed to fly more direct routes.

Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) provides an immediate and signifcant opportunity to reduce aviation emissions, butthe scale of transiting from fossil fuels that have served the industry for more than 100 years, to a new generation ofsustainable fuels that are not made from crude oil is considerable.

This paper provides a basic introduction to Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) and outlines the benefits and implications forthe tourism industry, including the opportunities for tourism destinations to demonstrate climate leadership and enhancelocal and regional prosperity. It also shows that if the scale up of SAF is not managed well it could present risks to tourismdestinations, including potential disruptions to travel demands and impacts to business models, combined with newgovernment regulations for the decarbonisation of transport and aviation that may change over time presenting alevel ofuncertainty for Travel& Tourism businesses.

To embrace the opportunities presented by Sustainable Aviation Fuel and address the challenges, WTTC and ICF havejointly developed this short paper which recommends tourism destinations undertake three critical actions which areto:



