The findings, interpretations and condlusionsexpressed in this work do not necessarily reflectthe views of the World Eoonomic Forum. The reportpresents infomation and data that were compiledand/or collected by the World Economic Forum(al information and data referred herein as “Data”).Data in this report is subject to change withoutnotice. The terms country and nation as used inthis report do not in all cases refer to a territorialentity that is a state as understood by internationallaw and practice. The terms cover well-defined,geographicaly self-contained economic areas thatmay not be states but for which statistical data aremaintained on a separate and independent basis.
Although the Wonld Economic Forum takes everyreasonable step to ensure that the data thuscompiled and/or callected is accurately reflectedin this report, the World Economic Forum, its
agents, officers and employees:() provide the data”as is, as avallable” and without warranty of anykind, either express or implied,induding, withoutlimitation, wamanties of merchantability, fitnessfor a particular purpose and non-infringement;(i)make no representations, express or implied,as tothe aocuracy of the data contained in this report orits suitability for any paricular purpose;(i) acceptno iability for any use of the said data or relanceplaced on it, in particular, for any interpretation,decisions, or actions based on the datain this
report. Other parties may have ownership interestsin some of the data contained in this report. TheWorld Eoonomic Forum in no way represents orwamants that it owns or controls all rights in all data,