Furthermore,this year’s findings showthat SRT is positioned as the dominant transport protocol as it supports reliable and secure streaming over the internet forlivevideocontribution.SRT’swideindustryadoption,bybroadcastersand technology vendors alike,is a result of Haivision’spioneeringeffortsandanopen-source community dedicated to the needs of broadcast engineers
While SDI remains widely used for transporting video within broadcast facilities, the internet and mobile networks are playing a significant role in fueling production workflows(inconjunctionwithSDI).Meanwhile,theST2110andNDIIPstandards continue to make inroads especially in newer broadcast facilities and OB trucks, while cloud services are facilitating hybridworkflowsandprovidingaccessto broadcastproductioncontentandtoolsfromanywhere
Forproductionworkflowstoremaindynamic,broadcastersmustacknowledce the expansion of new technologies such as 5G,cloud,and IP and adjust their technology mix accordingly. Ultimately,leveraging today’s technology means selecting the building blocks that allowproduction teams to effectively achieve broadcastobjectivesthroughfaster,morepowerfulmeans.Ascloudtechnology improves efficiency and more 5G innovation unfolds,we look forward to the ways in which the next-generation technology can support live video.