SK telecom users have the best overall multiplayer gaming experience
SK telecom is the outright Global Winner for Games Experience with an impressive score of 86.3 points on a 100-point scale,placing it in the Excellent(85 or above) category. Its two national rivals, LG U+ and KT, tie for second place with scores of 84.7-85.5 points.SK telecom’s score is 26 points above the global average of 60.3 points.
The Global Winner for Download Speed Experience is SK telecom
Our SK telecom users see average overall download speeds of 131.7Mbps -making it the sole Global Winner for Download Speed Experience. SK telecom wins by an impressive margin,given second-placed KT’s score of 105.7Mbps-the only other operator to score above 100Mbps. The average download speeds seen by our SK telecom users are 4.2 times the global average of 31.5Mbps.