■he roport gene rally uses the term mind health rather than mental health to emphasize the positive objective of the study: To help break down the stigmastillassodated with mental illness.
In rocentyears,we have become more aware of how emotional wellbeing affects both physical health and the ability of people to lead happy and fulfilled lives.We believe that helping people progress toward the best possible mind health will have a positive effect within families,communities and in the workplace.
Our previous 2022 study’-the first to use the AXA Mind Health Index-was published under the shadow of COVID-19 and focused initially on how people were affected mentally by the drastic measures taken to combat the pandemic-lockdowns,layoffs, soparation from friends and family and,of course,the tolltaken on frontline workersrisking their own health to fightthe disease. WhileCOMD-19isstillpresent,thisyear’sstudylooksathowother issues are also weighing on people’s mentalwellbeing-some due to the economic impact of dealing with the pandemic.Over the past year,geopolitical tensions and fears over global warming have added to underlying worries.