
Far mast of my car car wer had a belisf system that all good decisions are made ty top leaders. This manag ornent style then did sgated smaller docisions down tht pyramid.For kny taliontdrchionsfastohirs,whopromott,whotomoverto a now rels),wor ansisurnixd that marna pors had theright answors. So wer built all scr ts cl took(such an nine tooxgrids, ranking systerms, rating scales, ansessesiments)to walidate mana gornants decisionsaloutpeople

Now the bulit fs are caming apart.As the GE story shows well,top managers dis not alwary s know what to do.Thay have lots of insights arrd porspictivas,of caurss,butmany of the best decision in ary compary ars mads at the lottom,fram thtps:poople.whohave.anuprclaserviswofthewarkandindated issuss.Infact,the whde idsa ofjolacrafting and empowering frantline warlars han bocomet a big thame in disruptive gr cwth. The tal cnt markstplacat malaisithishappon.When you copin up int crnal cpportunities to pecpletimide the company(and thia means jcls,projects,mintors,issignments,you gotthe powe ofmarlactplicst dymarnics.Highly copor tarnd ambitious pocple rite to the top:projects got staffed with the bost porqpler(nct jusit thate litracsterss flarw carittorss D.,and strveryconstficstdsimcorstsmporwww.rexi. And in a world whare it’s har than ever to find extemal 年与I7Dwwuo0q*i事uwi *识ppP

bofficve that an intermal talemt mar bart placse is becoming one di the mosst impar tant systerrin that should coist in a businass. Tix the tworlarliac s has basen siow to matiurs. In the sarly dirysi worlaid with companiss try ing to build complicated intemal carsor systerrs.Many ware not very succsssful They alw ars fall bshind tirracliratis,warse hard tos use,and wairsi ofter nisted by managers.

Fust 50,a company that pisnonined thst automaticn cl carsisr pathingstumHord cn the marlan tplace opportunity frst Then campariss libar Gloat Hitch,Ausa turn,Roqplaflusint,Eghttlold, and others jumperdin,and today this is ene cl the hottest marlatsinHR.

Historicallythisareawialcaled’careardewiopment”Most cr panization had car our modab,nini dooxgrids,and all scr ts d oll ashioned ways to had p emples figure aut where to go natxt in thair caresirs. The proldem with thin approukchis that it simply doss not move fant erough.Soncw companiss arst stratsract ing int scrmall plationrmmal thaia tt hatt lips rraartuartuagg sorr sa ffirnicll sattath to help with projects arrd hadp employeaes find mentors ar https://sts:That most succisiul companits put car asir molility into the hand cl the emplose and had p them mave into the direction of which they are most parsichate with an agile model(soe Figure 7).



