Towands hjdrogen defnibonsbasedon theremlsslonsintensity lsa newreportbytheIntematlonal Energy Agency.deslgned toinfompolioymakens,hydrogenproducers,Imnestorsand the research communty hn advance ofthe G7 Clmate,Energyand Enwvronmental MinlsterlalmeetingihAprl 2023.Thereport builds onthe analyslsfromthe IEAsNetZero by 2050 ARosdmap torthe Global EnegySector and conthuesthe sernesof repotsthat the IEA has prepared fonthe G7on the secloral detalls of theroadmap,incduding theAchevwing Net Zero ElectnclySectors h G7 Membera,Achiewng Net Zero Heavy IndstySedtors Ih G7Membersand EmilssbnsMesurement andDatsCollectbn tor a Net Zero SreelIndusty reports.
Ths repot assesses the greenhouse gas emlssbns Ihntensityofthe differenthydrogenprodicionroutes and rewewswaysto use theemis sionshtensity ofhydrogenproduction inthedevelopmentof regulationandceitifcationschemes.An intemafonaly agreed emisions accounting frameworkls awayto move awayfrom the use of temhologlesbased on cdoursorothertemsthathave provedlmpraclicalfonthe contracs thatunderphn inwestment.The adopton of such aframewonk can bring much-meeded tansparency,as well as faclitatingimteroperabltyand limithgmarketfragmentatlon,thusbeoominga useful enablerof imwestmentsfonthedevelopment ofintemafionalhydrogen supplychahs.