“AAai (sbaawi@sauzcdu is lathunag,Santa dma Uninersity,Santa Cbm CA,USA;Dang(hdangaworlahank.onrg 00mepondingauthon is sgmior eaomomis,Living Stunthards Mesumemet UmmDevelopment Data Groun,World Bant,USAandis abo afilialbed wimZA,Indin nivesiny,andLondonSchooiof Economics andPolitical Science;Hismy(vhlasm @gmailaom)is economiceaffairs ofiker,UNESCWA,Binut,Lchanon,Ahunobwa(bshannkuTurlihankarg)eamomit,Lirving StndunkMeaaurementUnit,DevdopmatDat Groun,World Bamt,USA;Bdhman(ihehrman@san.un nn.adu)is WRKeram JIPrafessor of Eamomics表Sociodlagy,Uninersity of Pemghami,USA.We would lite to thunb KatkanBeegle,NamulChauluy,EhadEbali,Damiel Halim,Emily Hammum,Dean Jollife,Mchael Kevane,Mahdi Majbouni,ad participunts at theAmeicn EamomicAsseciation meting(New Orkansi amdthe Cemtadl Banks ofithe MiadlkeEast and NoarthAfia’sAnmual Comfeence om DevelopmentEoonamiks (Rahatp forhelpful comments ona arlia daft,We would dsoliketotanktheChiefEoromisr’s Ofice for theMiddleFastandNorth Afuica (MNACE)forguidhance andfinmdidsupportand theUKFocign Commomwalthand Devclopment OfficeIFCDO)fon add而omal funding assistncethrough theDatand Evidence fon TadtlingEtnemePwaty(DEEP)Rekandh Pogam1.Introductiom
Are femake-beaded houscholds (FHHs)in the Arab regiom more likely to be poor,andincrcasingly so?Social and cultural baricrs offen hinderwomen’s ccomomicpaticipation in theregion and scvcral recnt studics findtat womcn are at anincrcasing disadvantage comparcd tomenin labormakets (Amara and Jemmali,2018;AIAzawiand Hasny,2022),The COVID-19pandemic further deepencdgender incquality in many countries (Dangand Nguyen,2021;Alomet al,2022).Yet,few studicshave investigatod thetopic of povcty femimizatiom in the regiom.These are important policy qucsfionssince many countriesin the regiom spcifically tagt FHHsbased on the prcmisethat they aremore vulncr ableto povaty and probably inccasingly vulnerableto powerty,partioulaly duringthe pandcmic”Furthermore,the Aabrcgion is home to countricsof difcrcnt income levels with diverse social and cultural circumstances,resultingin diffacntcomtest-specific factorscontibuting topovcrty feminiatiom.
That poverty is more prevalcnt among women than men is widdly assumed,andvariousexplanationsare offered for it.These indlude lower school emollment rats andles workcxpcrience (Grant and Bchmam,2010),limited access to income-gcberatingasscts such as land(Dcereand Loom,2003),codit and otherfinancial scrvices(Dcmirguc-Kunt et ol,2013),plhysicaland social capital,and techoology (Word Bank,2011;Klascn t al,2015),and maketdiscriminatiom(Buvinic and Gupa,1997).
There is,howevar,far less agrcement on thecxistence of “fcminizationof povcty”affectingFHHs (Chant,2010,Duflo,2012,Klascm et al,2015,Badshawet al,2017).Buvimicand Gupta
(1997)obscrvethat of 65 studicscovering Africa,Asia,Latin America andthe Caribbean,38