
Exleme weather events,suth as floads and severe trepical slorre.canncrease ates df depression and post-taumafe stress disarder in children.with palentidly longHasting mentd hedth impacls into adulthood Ertemeweather events can dso negaivdly impacl parents and caegives’mentalheath due to tauma finneid srain and las of housing and other
resources,lor example.Post-disaster distress in parents,in turn,can impactan family tunelioring and inerease the risk of paor parening.Ctanges intenperature,as well as precipitation and hurriditg hare a diect etfect anchikfrenis health.Far ecample,high emperatures can ircrease pathogeres inwaer and food,pulting chikten at anelevated riek for diarrhoeal disease.High temperatures are abo associsled with food irsecuritly and other faclors.ncreasing the risk of chadhood undernutitiam.epecidlly in ehildren undertwo years of age.
Eateme temperatures,both hot and cdld,and pocr qudity a,negelivdy affeetrespiralary heathin chidren.Such exposures impair tking funcliam,inereasethe risk of asthma and lead to mare frequent respiralary irdecliors.Carmtinedwith fond insecurity.children are at greater riesk of mdlrutrian as wel asingreased mor tiy
Health systems that support maternal,newborn and child health
Exleme weather events due to clrae change impaet communities and hefunclioming of healh syslems through loss of pnysicd irdrastuc ure andrreals to human resources Famies and communilies can face barriers inaccessing any health services and become compramised in their abiity towithsland the camsequences of eatreme heat,dought,Lndslides cr tooding.
Health wa kers in aflecled commurities may face undue chdlenges inpmviding care whie managng personal safety.Disrupliors in basic healhsevioes in rral and urtan setlings jeopardize aocess and quaily of MNCHcare,indudng seual and reprodue fve health sevices.



