As we approach 2024,many corporations and profes-sionals are preparing for a new economic cycle.Despiteconcerns about the extenal environment,the labormarket continues to exhibit its own unique vitality.
To gain deeper insights into the current state and trendsof recruitment.salaries,and talent mobility in the labormarket,we recently conducted a survey involvingnearly 400 HR professionals and employees fromvarious organizations.The “2024 Salary Guide”isbased on the findings of this survey and our latestglobal reports,along with salary data from over 1,000successfully placed positions in 2023,and marketinsights from LHH FESCO recruitment experts.▶了解薪资数据以雇用和留任您所在领域的顶尖专业人士▶提升企业领导者的谈薪成功率▶制定更佳的招聘及留任人才策略
LHH FESCO 2024 Salary Guide is designed to help you:
▶ Familiarize yourself with the salary data you need to hire andretain top professionals in your field.
▶ Equipping your business leaders with the skills to negotiate salaries more effectively.▶ Develop stronger hiring and retention strategies.