
2023 United Nations Environment ProgrammeISBN:978-92-807-4112-8Job number:RONA/2602/GEDot httpsYdoi.org10.59117/20.500.11822/44485

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Suggested citation:United Nations Enwtr onment Programme (2023).Greening the Blue

Report 2023:The UN System’s Enviranmental Footprint and Eforts to Reduce it Geneva.

Productiont Lzzy Burt,Graphic Designer


This work would not have been poss ible without thenvaluable cooperation and contritbution from ICAOby supplying the alr travel emissions calkulatar andUNFCCC and UNOPS far providing off’setting options toUN entties.Thanks also to the Amual Stotisfical Bepartan UN Procvement(ASR)team at UNOPS forsharingthe data on sustainable procurement in the UN system.The Report would not have been possible without thetireless efforts of the Focal Paints of the Working Groupon Erwironmental Sus tainablity Management.They areresponsible for compling data for their entiles and haveundertaken the task,with the support of staff from acrossthe UN system,to monitor,measure and reduce the

environmental footprint of their enttles.The SustainableUnited Nations (SUN)team would like to commend themfor their work-a model for cooperation in the UComprehensive Nudear-Test-Ban Treaty OnganizationCTBTO),Food and Agr leulture Onganization (FAO).Green Cimate Fund (GCF),Inter national AtomicEnergy Agency (LAEA),Intemational Cwl Aviation

Organization (ICAO),International Fund for Agricultur alDevelopment AFAD),International Labour OrganizationALO),International Monetary Fund (IMF),InternationalMaritime Organizafion QMO),Intemational Organizationfor Migration [OM],International Trade Centre QTG,lhter national Training Centre lhnter national Labour

Organizaton (ITC-LO),International TelecommunicationUnion (TU),UN Secretariat (Economkc Commissionfar Atica (ECA).Economic Commission far Europe

ECE),Economic Commi slon for Latin Amerca and theCaribbean(ECLAG),Economic and Sodal Commisstonfar Asia and the Pacitic (ESCAP),Economic and SocialCommission for Westem Asia(ESCWA).OHlice of theUnited Nations High Commiss loner for Human Rights(OHCHR),Peacekeeping and Special Pallical Missions,



