The WMAE Cohort
This data represents the responses from 60 out of the 90World’s Most Attractive Employers (WMAEs).
Universum one of the world’sleading Emplayer Branding agences,surveyed 1718 talent leaders from 75 countries bebween February 15 and
March 31.2023.The aim wasto gather insights about current EmployerBrandingpraclices as well as to learn from the World’s Most AttractiveEmployers [WMAEs].
Why follow the WMAEs?
The World’s MostAttractive Employers [WMAEs] are90 organizations thathave been identified as the most attractive employers across lo leadingglobaleconomies: Brazil Canada. China, France. Germany. ndia, Italy. Russia.the UK,and the US. To be named a WMAE,companies need to rank among thetopemployers in at least 5 of these 10 major economies in the eyes of those whoparticipatein Universum’sglobal student survey.In this Employer BrandingNOW study, we have highlighted the Employer Branding strategies of the mostattractive global employers to understand what they do differently and whatother organizations can do to emulate their best practices.