
2023juststarted and we’re ready to write 2022 down in the books and tum the page forever.Except for the Little Mermaid’s new skintoneandBeyonce’slatestalbum,there wasn’t much to cheer about. We rolled from a pandemic into an economic downturn (is this what Adele meant by’rolling in the deep’?).It looks like 2023 will be a challenging,yet exciting year.

More than ever,it will be key to prepare for thefutureanduseresourcesinsmartways. Andwestronglybelieveintherolesoftware has to play in doing so. And we’re not alone. WoltersKluwerstatedintheirFuture Ready Lawyer survey and analysis that “technology leaders continue to outperform others year after year in the legal sector.”

“Technology leaders continue to outperform others year after year in the legal sector”



