
The American Chamber of Commerce in the People’s Republic of China (AmCham China) was founded in Beijing in 1919, and has long been an advocate for a stable and balanced US-China commercial relationship.The wider bilateral relationship continuesto have a direct and profound impact on global peace and prosperity,and China is an important market for many American companies.

Our members appreciate the close attention that US and Chinese policymakers pay to our annual China Business Climate Survey (BCS)Report. This, together with our White Paper, are the key mechanisms that we use to offer constructive recommendations to both countries as they work towards greater mutual understanding and successful resolution of concerns.

While US-China trade has continued to grow throughout the pandemic, bilateral relations have become increasingly complex for the American business community in China to navigate. Last year was particularly challenging for our member companies,as they dealt with China’s economic slowdown,Zero-COVID controls,and ongoing efforts to ensure compliance with various new US and China-related regulations,

For the 25th annual edition of our China Business Climate Survey (BCS)Report, one of the key barometers of the sentiment of the American business community in China,we are delighted to have partnered with PwC for execution and analysis. Although China’s Zero-COVID policy ended shortly after the bulk of the data for this report was collected, subsequent membership surveys and engagements reinforce the following key themes:



