During the third quarter of 2022, battery electric vehicles (BEVs) recorded the strongest growth of all fuel types (+22.0%), with 259,449 units registered across the EU. With the exception of Denmark (-2.6%) and Italy (-35.0%), all the region’s markets contributed to this positive performance, with even triple-digit gains in Cyprus (+490.0%),Latvia(+231.8%), Romania(+213.4%) and Bulgaria(+101.7%).
Registrations of plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs), on the other hand, fell by 6.0% in the third quarter of the year, as all the largest markets in the EU posted losses. Italy and France both recorded double-digit drops (-22.2% and -14.3% respectively), while Germany and Spain posted more modest declines (-0.9% and -1.0%). As a result of this negative performance,PHEVs lost market sharecompared to the same period last year, now accounting for 8.5% of total car registrations.
With 492,011 units sold from July to September, sales of hybrid electric vehicles (HEVs)increased by 6.9%. Their market share expanded by 1.3 percentage point-making up 22.6% of the total market. Among the region’s major markets, only Germany posted a decline (-1.5%). Italy saw the strongest increase(+20.8%), followed by France (+15.6%) and Spain(+11.3%).
EU registrations of natural gas vehicles (NGVs) suffered another double-digit loss (-52.4%), largely driven by the significant fall in Italy (-71.2%)-the region’s largest market, accounting for over 40% of total registrations. As a result, the market share of NGVs halved during the third quarter of 2022 compared to the sameperiod one year ago. Sales of LPG-fuelled cars slipped back by 9.5%, reaching 55,418 units, as the two largest markets for this fuel type suffered declines:France(-14.9%)and Italy(-3.1%).