Decomposing the change in the total wage bill for women and men Analysis of the contributions of different compo-nents-namely,employment changes (induding jobs and hours worked),changes in the nominal wage and changes due to inflation-reveals that employment losses were the main driver of the change in the total wage bill during 2020.That be-ing said,inmany countries the percentage decrease in the wage bill was smaller than the fall in employ-ment because those who lost their jobs tended to be lower-paid workers In 2021,the second year ofthepandemic,employmentoutcomesbegan to improve over all,but the decomposition reveals the strong irruption of inflation as a factor impact-ing negatively on the growth of the total wage bill. Estimates from some 30 countries show that the contribution of inflation to the decline in the total wage bill ranged from 1 to 18 per cent.In 2022,in-flation hasbecome the dominant factor behind the dedine in the total wage bill. Thus, in all 12 coun-tries with data up to the first quarters of 2022 in-flation has eroded the total real wage bill,with its contribution ranging from 2.2 to 18.2 per cent. If the total wage bills for women and men are considered separately,estimates indicate that employment losses (including jobs and hours worked)from2020to2022weregreateramong women,particularly during 2020,even though employment levels in the last two years recovered for both women and men.At the same time and especially during 2020,increases in average wages were greater for women. This suggests that the employment losses of women were even more Concentrated among low-paid workers than those of men,leading to a stronger composition effect and hence a greater jump in average wages for women. Thus, despite losing more employment than men in almost all countries,partiaularly during 2020,women experienced a smaller decrease in the total wage bill. The contribution of inflation to the erosion of the total wage bill was found to be similar for both women and men,particularly in 2021 and 2022